Grid Down Consulting - Threats from the Inside

Everyone knew that when the Biden administration walked into the Oval Office they would want a zero-emission world. However, many do not think about the implications this will have on our electric grid. The US is already strained to the max, asking towns and cities to watch their usage throughout the hot summer months and cold winter months. Just think about California this past summer. Millions had to cut back on their usage and blackouts still happened across the state. With no one wanting to take responsibility and fix the electric grid, how in the world do we think our electric grid could handle the extra strain of millions of electric cars? According to this article (, it states that,

“A recent paper (, published in Applied Energy, discussed the threat of EVs to the grid. Currently, there are 2.5 million EVs in the United States; 4 in 5 owners opt to charge their cars overnight. This decision, according to the researchers, is putting a considerable strain on power grids.

By 2025, the United States will have more than 20 million EVs on its roads. According to Bloomberg, by 2030, more than half of car sales will be electric. The strain is increasing, and power grids are ill-equipped to shoulder the load.”

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