Govt. Calls Survivalists and Preppers "Homegrown Violent Extremists"

We previously mentioned the book:

Security Culture: A Guide to Staying Safe for Survivalists, Preppers, and Patriots
by: Winston Smith

Smith's book pointed out that "The Department of Justice guide Investigating Terrorism and Criminal Extremism – Terms and Concepts lists “survivalists” alongside organizations like Al-Qaeda. Jemaah Islamiya, and the Aryan Brotherhood, warning that: The survivalist movement fears a coming collapse of civilization, generally as the result of nuclear war, and tries to prepare themselves to survive it. Survivalists typically stockpile food, water, and weapons, especially the latter, and instruct themselves on topics ranging from first aid to childbirth to edible plants."

and that "government anti-terrorism officers are asking the public to report “questionable postings on Twitter or Facebook” to them. What you say on-line may get you listed in some government database as a domestic terrorist or homegrown violent extremist." 

As survivalists and preppers, we sometimes joke about being added to some government watch list. But perhaps these jokes are more than conspiracy theory. While Cascadia Survivalist does not wish to inspire paranoia or unjustified mistrust, there is little question that the survivalist and prepper community is a target for government monitoring and surveillance.


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