After Armageddon (History Channel)

A docudrama about a family in LA that is trying to survive the breakdown of society, law, and order after a flu pandemic kills half the people on Earth.

After Armageddon focuses on an “average American” family of three, who are totally unprepared for a long-term disaster, as unfortunately, most Americans are. It shows how they attempt to survive a world-wide disaster by first trying to ride the disaster out in LA. Once it was obvious they could not stay in LA they struggle to survive a trip to a real town in Idaho where they have friends. Various experts in survival, defense, sociology, psychology, nutrition, and others, provide commentary throughout the film. These comments are very insightful and relevant, being based more on actual real-world events than just theories. These experts include journalists, authors, university professors, directors of emergency management and disaster researchers from universities such as; Ryerson University, Rutgers University, UC Berkley, George Mason University, UC Davis, Columbia University, UCLA, and MD University.

We note that this video has been removed from most places on YouTube, but we did find it in the Internet Archive where it can be watched / downloaded:

And one location still on YouTube:


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