The Black Sky Event


This video presents a discussion of potential threats to the national power grid. While (as the video points out) a national level EMP is a very low-probability event, it is also an event with very high consequences if it was to happen.

Black Sky Event


Through June 1st [2022] you can sign up to watch this 20 minute episode for free. After that the video will be available for purchase.

The Black Sky Event docuseries examines the possibilities, if not probabilities, of our national energy grid going down, leaving us in perpetual darkness. Modern infrastructure is so interdependent and vulnerable that the electric power grid has become the Achilles’ heel of our nations’ security.

The series illustrates four likely threats that could take out the grid: Solar Flare, Cyber Attack, Physical Attack and EMP. An EMP is an air burst nuclear weapon, which would send out an electromagnetic pulse that would fry all electronics in its wake. Cars, phones and refrigerators would stop working. Planes would fall out of the sky.

Our free and open society has led us to build a connected network of distinct but interlinked power companies. It is the highest value soft target for a determined enemy. A cyber or nuclear attack by one of many foreign adversaries would be an attack we are not ready to face. These plans are already in the hands of our enemies and the details of our vulnerabilities are not a secret.

A natural solar flare has already taken place. It occurred in the 1800’s and took out the nascent electrical system then in place. The next one would do the same, but with everything now running on electricity, the result will be devastating to humanity.

We traveled the country to interview many of the top advocates for grid down preparation, including the former head of the CIA, military generals, civilian technical experts and government sector authorities. These experts have answers to how we fortify our systems against a grid down scenario. Compiling the latest declassified information, this film takes a hard look at the risks facing the nation. More than twenty experts share the same message they have tried valiantly to share with Congress in a desperate attempt to get lawmakers to act.

The Black Sky Event is the documentary series everyone needs to see, so they can prepare themselves for the greatest external danger facing our nation today.

If no action is taken to protect our grid, it very well could be the end of civilization as we know it.


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