The Facts About Radio Communication Distance
What’s the range for a radio to communicate with someone? How many miles? This is almost the most common question people ask before getting a new two-way radio. But if you check the answers for the same radio, you may find many disappointed people saying that only 0.5 mile, but also some saying 3 miles, 5 miles, and so on. Why they're so different? Because the type of terrain and equipment can greatly affect the talking range. You often see ads for two-way radios saying "up to 36 miles" or more. Here the keyword in the advertisement are "up to". This maximum range is more theoretical than realistic. So how far can you really expect to talk? The key considerations that affect range are: signal type, antenna, obstructions, and signal strength (wattage). No single factor is a silver-bullet to extend your communication range. But taken in combination, they can mean the difference between getting 1/2 mile range, vs 6 miles or more. This article from Baofeng discusses...